Holy Spirit 2023 Series:
He Is Present | He Helps Us | He Is Our Wisdom | He Is Our Comforter | He Is Our Counselor | He Is Our Helper | He Is Our Intercessor | He Is Our Advocate
The Holy Spirit Is Our Prayer Partner
Isn’t it wonderful when our fellow sisters and brothers in Christ pray over us? What a privilege it is when faithful prayer partners surround us, and we hear their words as they lift up our prayer requests to Father God.
But what if you’re alone when you need prayer?
You have a prayer partner who’s always with you, no matter where you are, for one attribute of the Holy Spirit is:
In addition to His roles as comforter, counselor, and provider of wisdom, He’s your prayer partner. He comes alongside you in prayer, as well as everything else He does.
Romans 8:26 (ESV)
26 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.
He intercedes for us.
Powerful words!
The verse above has often comforted me during challenging, difficult times in my life. Even this past week. One evening, grief overwhelmed me. I could not fall asleep. I laid in bed wide awake, weary, and weeping with a broken heart.
Why was I grieving?
I had absorbed the stories of many people I care about who are hurting right now, who are facing challenges. On top of their worries and cares that they had shared with me, I had my own worries and struggles weighing me down.
Overwhelm overcame me that night and I wept.
I checked the time every half hour. My concern about being sleep deprived the next day increased. Around 3 AM, I stopped asking God for answers, for wisdom. I no longer had the words to pray to resolve my grief. I finally asked the Holy Spirit to intercede, to pray for me.
And, my precious prayer partner not only interceded on my behalf, He reminded me of a simple yet powerful prayer:
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.
~The Jesus Prayer
Luke 18:13 (ESV)
13 But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner!’
The early church based the “Jesus Prayer” on this verse in Luke, if you remember the story of the Pharisee and the Publican (tax collector). If you need a refresher, read Luke 18:9-14.
With the Holy Spirit’s reminder, I sincerely prayed this prayer over and over, and I wept and wept and wept. In only a few moments, the peace of God that passes all understanding (Phil. 4:7) filled me, calmed me down, and I fell asleep.
How could I so quickly go from loud weeping and grieving to utter peace?
The Holy Spirit prayed with me and for me. I followed His wisdom.
And Abba, Father God, filled me with His peace.
Your Turn
Are you stumbling when you’re praying about something? Have you run out of words to say?
Turn to the Holy Spirit and ask for His help. Ask Him to:
help you as you pray,
pray with you, and
pray for you when you no longer can form words for your prayers.
The Holy Spirit is your “ultimate” prayer partner. You have the very best prayer warrior available, and He lives in you.
Soli Deo Gloria!
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I’m glad He is!