You Matter!
If you think you don't matter, you must read this post | Random Thoughts | Jesus Christ | Christianity
If you’re a not-yet follower of Jesus Christ, come on this journey with us. You are welcome here.
And, I invite you to read my series on the book “What Does God Want?”.
Because of the Lord’s Great Love…
When I asked the Lord this morning what this post would be about, He reminded me of some things that led to the title you see above:
You matter.
To God.
To me.
Yes, you, dear readers.
Lamentations 3:22-24 (BSB)
22 Because of the loving devotion of the LORD [the Lord’s great love] we are not consumed, for His mercies never fail.23 They are new every morning;
great is Your faithfulness!24 “The LORD is my portion,” says my soul,
“therefore I will hope in Him.”
[To learn more about God’s “loving devotion”, read my post “What Is ‘Sticky Love’ and Why Does It Matter?”]
…You Cannot Be Consumed because of His Mercies…
When Jesus let me know it was time, in October 2022, to launch Night Owl Christian (NOC), something I had wanted to do for several years, He was (and is) my primary audience, and I sent my first post out to about 15 email addresses. I left it in His hands who would read NOC, and I left any “growth” in readers up to Him.
As of Saturday evening, February 15th, you now number:
319 Subscribers
(If you’re curious, read how Substack defines subscribers and followers.)
That’s a “whole lotta folks” who I don’t personally know from the original 15 or so I did when I sent out my first posts! So, I want to take a little time to write a NOC recap.
My hope and my prayer since October 2022, is to write what the Lord puts on my heart to encourage you and me to stand firm in our faith as Jesus followers while the enemy’s evil swirls around us…no matter in which human-formed country we live in (The hubs and I happen to live in the U.S.).
One of the enemy’s lies is that you and I can be consumed, defeated, devoured by what’s thrown at us by him and his minions and by fellow humans.
We are not consumed for His compassion never fails!
Jesus said:
John 10:10 (BSB)
10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness [have it more abundantly].
Thank you, Lord Jesus!
For Jesus followers, Abba Papa gives us abundant life [link goes to]!
The biblical concept of abundant life is a holistic one, encompassing spiritual, emotional, and relational dimensions. It is a life marked by the presence and guidance of God, offering fulfillment that transcends earthly circumstances., excerpt from link
The posts you read on NOC are here not only to encourage you to stand firm in your faith walk, they’re also to encourage both you and me to seek a deep, profound and daily journey with Jesus so that we walk in the spiritual abundance of His life. This means we seek to grow closer to He who already lives in us through His Spirit, and that we become more like Him.
I know that the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. My spiritual journey since I was very young involved:
Growing up in a “Bible-solid” church with some great teachers
Experimenting with the occult as a preteen and encountering demons
Experiencing Jesus’ radical rescue of me from that very dark journey
[There’s a bit more on my About page.]
As a result, I’m very interested in the spiritual realm from God’s perspective. I’m interested in all the spiritual blessings He has given to His cherished Jesus followers, so that we have His victory in spiritual warfare. That’s the encouragement I seek to share in these every-Sunday-morning posts.
…For God Is Your Portion and Your Hope!
Have you noticed that I have emphasized the word “spiritual”? Yes, God’s life in us helps us in our journey on planet Earth, to spread His kingdom message among other human image bearers.
And yet, He has an absolutely incredible, amazing, indescribable life waiting for us one day: Our eternal life with Him!
That’s why I emphasize the words “spiritual blessings”. There’s a lot going on among “earthlings”. The world seems overwhelmed in both human events and events in nature (volcanoes, earthquakes, fires, violent storms, etc.). The hubs and I receive prayer requests from others, and at times our hearts feel very heavy with the burden of their suffering. (It’s a humble privilege to pray for them.)
And yet we Jesus followers have God’s gift of His hope, now and in the future, when Jesus establishes His kingdom on the New Earth.
His gift to us is Himself, our portion.
Okay, what the heck does “portion” mean?
Portion in Hebrew Is: cḥel·ek/ חֵלֶק
cḥel·ek/ חֵלֶק
Noun, masculine, singular.
one’s possession; a share in a possession (land, a parcel); an award.
—> inheritance <—
Chel-ek is a symbol of God’s provision and faithfulness.
[read more on, Strong’s Lexicon - 2506]
Yahweh, the God of Israel, is our inheritance, our possession, our award!
He awards you with all of Himself, which is His every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms.
Because you matter.
The fact that you matter to Him sent Jesus to the cross.
And, don’t you ever, ever, ever let the enemy tell you otherwise. His fate is sealed, it’s horrific, he knows it, and God’s word is final.
The Bible is filled with God saying that you matter.
To Him.
And you matter to me, dear readers. I so appreciate you, and your being here on NOC.
Maranatha, come (again) Lord Jesus.
Soli Deo Gloria!
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When you have time (about an hour a day for 26 days) I'd love for you to listen to Revelation on the Verse by Verse app, taught by the late Steven Armstrong. I have one chapter to go and have learned such mind boggling things about what stages the world goes through after The Rapture. The 1000 year Kingdom, and beyond. Its more than you can wrap your head around, but so interesting and it makes you so happy that you will be long raptures before any of the judgments and what comes after even them!!
GOD bless You, Mark and Jenise. May the LORD's Love for you be your comfort this day.
A simple good morning prayer of faith 2/16/25
"The LORD your God is among you; He is mighty to save. He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you with His love; He will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17 BSB
Dear Father, You are truly an awesome GOD, a Loving GOD who rescued us from a hopeless future, the one who forgives all our sins, giving us everlasting life, born again from above, filled with Your Spirit, making us new. Yes, LORD, You are with us, never to leave, always by our sides. Oh, GOD, how fortunate we are to have You. How Comforting it is knowing that You Love us without end. May Your joy be our gladness, tender hearts filled with gratitude, knowing we are in Your care so as not to fear. Yes, LORD, You are our keeper. May we rest and be quiet as You hold us in Your Loving arms, reassuring us that we are Yours. Forever. Amen
Thank You, LORD!
"The LORD will guard you from all evil.
He will preserve your soul.
The LORD will watch over your coming and going,
both now and forevermore." Psalm 121:7-8 BSB
GOD bless you all!
The Blessing | Maranatha! Music