Here's a Halloween Challenge for You
This is your mission, should you choose to accept it | Halloween Challenge 2024 | Jesus Christ | Christianity
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Halloween Challenge 2024: Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4
Halloween Challenge 2024: Week 1
Well, well, here we are in the month of October. Halloween merchandise has arrived in the stores. In our area, neighborhood residences (houses, condos, apartments) are more decorated with scary items than they are with “joy to the world” during the Christmas season.
And, what’s with the gigantic skeletons on people’s lawns?
I typed “giant”, just one word, into Amazon’s search field and this came back as the first search result:
That’s how popular they are.
At least this seven-foot skeleton is friendly (it’s waving), and its eyes blink at you (why?) for US $81.99 plus shipping (if you don’t have Amazon Prime).
For almost $100.00 (price plus shipping), the hubs and I could have two or three very nice dinners at Red Lobster (yay!).
Yes, the culture of fear, terror, and death has arrived in full force this month.
When it’s Halloween season, I get on my (tiny) soap box. Sure, I enjoyed getting free candy as a kid, but then darker things entered my life when I explored Wicca and the occult as a teen. Jesus rescued me. Praise Almighty God.
If you’re fairly new to Night Owl Christian, you can read my five-post series on Halloween | Wicca | Witches by going to the first post.
[Select to read “My Witch Story” ]
So, what’s the Halloween 2024 challenge?
Do Not Worry, Do Not Fear
The challenge is to focus the rest of this month on faith, hope, and trust instead of on worry and fear. This past week, I’ve had two good conversations with beloved sisters in Jesus. We discussed worry, concerns, and fear.
We talked about hard things, when life hits you with:
A terrifying medical diagnosis and a risky surgery
Someone you love potentially dying, or your own possible death
A horrific hurricane and the tragic aftermath
Increasing turmoil in the Middle East (as well as elsewhere)
Chaos and fear mongering on social media (who can you believe?)
Those deep conversations made me think. I asked myself: How am I doing regarding worry and fear? This month, I’m taking my spiritual temperature. That’s the Halloween challenge. Will you join me over the next four weeks and take your spiritual temperature regarding worry and fear?
Whom Should We Fear?
Jesus answered this question from what He shared with His disciples. His encouragement came after He chose the Twelve. He gave them His authority to drive out demons (unclean spirits), and heal every disease and sickness. Their mission was to announce and proclaim the arrival of the kingdom of Almighty God.
He sent them out as sheep among wolves, and He warned them that they would face false accusations and receive beatings by the religious elite. After enumerating all of the hard things they would face, Jesus then said this:
Matthew 10:28 (BSB)
28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Instead, fear the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
When my Christian sisters and I chatted this past week, I brought up this verse because the Holy Spirit has reminded me of Matt. 10:28 several times.
And then, He reminded me of one of my favorite verses. I adore what Jesus, our Good Shepherd, said:
Luke 12:32 (BSB)
32 Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom.
“…is pleased to give you…” In Koinē Greek, the word is εὐδόκησεν (eudokēsen - Strong’s 2106), and it’s translated in various ways:
My paraphrase is: “…for your Father is absolutely, over-the-moon thrilled (!!!) to give you the kingdom.”
We can only imagine how the Father felt in giving us His kingdom. Jesus definitely knew the Father’s delight, pleasure, and happiness. As a result, He said not to fear. In fact, almost all of Luke chapter 12 is Jesus telling us not to fear, not to worry.
The thing that absolutely “floors” me when I read Jesus’ words in Luke 12:32 is that He said them before He suffered for us, before dying for us on Good Friday.
Before crying out, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” (My God, my God, why have You forsaken Me? Psalm 22:1)
Luke 12:32 (BSB)
32 Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom.
You and I are so cherished, dear readers, so deeply loved by God.
One day, we’ll see God’s kingdom in its fullness.
One day, we’ll see Him, and all our worries and fears will vanish forever.
MercyMe - I Can Only Imagine [4 mins 6 secs]
Your Turn
Who do you fear?
What do you fear?
Are you worrying about something and it’s filling your thoughts?
Your mission this month, should you choose to accept it, is to focus every day on faith, hope, and trust. Here are some examples on how to focus:
Search for “do not fear” in God’s word and read through the verses. Here’s a search result on BibleGateway from the New Testament (ESV): [Select to read]
Write down the verses that encourage you
Read them daily
Turn them into prayers to your Lord who loves you
Get alone with Jesus and pour out your heart to Him
Spend time in worship, singing hymns and praise songs about God’s faithfulness
Maranatha, come Lord Jesus.
Soli Deo Gloria!
Conversation & Community
How are you doing today? How was your week?
How do you deal with worry and with fear? Do you have any favorite verses and/or worship songs to share with us?
Let us know in the Comments.
As always, feel free to send me an email:
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I am so pleased that my church is having a special service on Halloween evening to pray against all that is going on that night. I hope other churches are also engaged in a night of spiritual warfare just like ours.
Psalm 23 -”yea tho i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil for thou art withme. Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”