Various essays leading up to Halloween 2022.
My Witch Story | Children’s Books about Witches | Powerful | Ouija Board, Tarot, Séances, Oh, My! | We Attended a Wicca Wedding
[Approx. 700 words]
Book recommendation: "Wicca's Charm" by Catherine Edwards Sanders (out of print; search eBay, Amazon, etc., to purchase.)
Halloween is coming, and it's currently being promoted both online and offline. As a child, I loved the holiday because I could [*A*] get lots of free candy 😁, and [*B*] dress up in a costume and be a princess, be Raggedy Ann, or be... a witch. When I was 12 and 13 years old, I began to study witchcraft. I read about Wicca and how to be a "good" witch, a "white witch". The series of magazines I read were sold in local grocery stores. I bought them with my babysitting money and hid them from my family. And, Halloween is a major holiday for witches and warlocks.
I haven't often shared my story of how the Lord Jesus Christ rescued me from Wicca (I have when asked). I'm sensing that direction, now, this Halloween season, to share more openly. In my posts through Sunday, October 30th, I’ll chat a little about Wicca, my experience, and...how Christians get it wrong.
I hope to warn my beautiful Wicca friends on the dangers if they continue in their form of worship. Witches and warlocks say they don't believe in Satan, and they say they don't believe in God either. However, Satan is real, he exists, and he uses the "open door" of Wicca worship to gain strongholds in a person's life. That's what the enemy started to do in my life. He was swift, and it scared the crap out of me. I'm grateful to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the King of all creation, for rescuing me one afternoon when I was alone and at a spiritual precipice. He snatched me out of the enemy's grasp, forever and ever.
To my Wicca friends, I love you! And, I understand your point of view. You are many in the rural county where my husband and I live. The forests and natural beauty that surround us are wonderful places for your drum circles and other forms of pagan worship.
You work in our county's, our town's, and city's governmental departments. I know this, for I started sharing the gospel with a young woman who worked for our Town. She was a witch, and she verified who some of her fellow witches were...all very kind and special women. My husband and I had wonderful conversations with this woman until she and her family moved out of state and we lost touch.
I'll share parts of my Jesus story, and I'll probably take my fellow Christ followers to task, in hopes of encouraging them to really take a look at Wicca, maybe buy Catherine's book (if you can find it online), and learn a little on how to reach witches and warlocks with the love of Jesus. Many have posted their conversion stories on YouTube, and they are so happy in Jesus!
To my Wicca friends...again, I love you and so does Jesus...more than you can imagine. And, I am so so sorry for the heart break many of you experienced in the church, and by those who called themselves Christians.
By the way, my Wicca friends, a question...who visited Jesus when the Son of God was born in Bethlehem? Pagans!! 😁 They are a pretty visible part of Jesus' story, when a loving God left heaven and came to planet Earth to walk among....who? Pagans! (and, the religious Hebrew people). He came to die on a cross for our sins, and be raised from the dead to give us new life for eternity. The Magi, those Pagans who visited the baby Jesus, became Jesus believers and so can you. God loves you so much, and He wants to come into your life story...if you'll just open your hearts and minds and give Him a chance. I love you!
#Wicca #Wiccans #witches #warlocks #witchcraft #halloween
Soli Deo Gloria.
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Praise Jesus! He saved me from a life of sin, including involvement in the occult when I was 19. Your testimony will be used powerfully by God 💕
Thanks for sharing. I have a co-worker that is into I think a form of Wicca. She seems attracted to the feminine side of this deity. I think she had mentioned Osiris, an Egyptian goddess. She is a great coworker, compassionate and a friend. We differ in many conclusions, but I agree with you. Love has to compel us.