Another Angel Encounter
Will you believe what happened? | Angels | Random Thoughts | Jesus Christ | Christianity
First, a Thank You
Dear Readers, my thanks to those of you who responded to my survey last week. You confirmed what I saw in the reader stats for Night Owl Christian.
You confirmed that you want to grow in your knowledge of what God’s word says:
about Him,
about who we are in Him, while living in a world that grows increasingly hostile to Him (and us).
You also want to learn how to better arm yourself for spiritual warfare, and to stand firm, hold fast in these times.
Thank you very much for your feedback, and especially for your comments in last week’s post. I deeply appreciate our tiny community in this distant corner of cyberspace. I’ll do my best, as Holy Spirit leads me, to include these topics in NOC’s weekly posts.
Now, what’s this about another angel encounter?
God and the Little Things
On July 7th, I published a post stating that I had started reading a book on angels. [Select this link to read that post if it’s new to you.] I want to learn more about Yahweh’s heavenly host because:
I have had an encounter with angels who physically helped me out of a sticky situation decades ago; I tell that story in my July 7th post
I have never focused on studying angels in God’s word; never did a “targeted” study
I have had too much demonic “stuff” in my lifetime [read my Wicca/occult story], and I’m weary of that and of other Christians’ unhealthy focus on demons
I’m slowly going through the book Angels, by the late Dr. Michael S. Heiser, taking my time to absorb a ton of biblical scholarship. The book describes the hierarchy (the organization chart) of the angels and the various roles (job descriptions) God has assigned to His spiritual servants. You may already know that one role is for His angels to serve as His agents to minister to us, and the word for this role of theirs is ma’lak, “messenger”, which is מֲלְאָךְ in ancient Hebrew. [See Strong’s “malak, 4397” on Bible Hub.]
Hebrews 1:14 (BSB)
14 Are not the angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?
My Second Angel Encounter
I experienced a second angel encounter a few weeks ago, and my husband is a witness. He’s sold out to Jesus and—what a combo—he has a somewhat cynical side to him which comes in handy when I ask him about posts on social media. He comes back with things like: “Show me the research.” “What are the facts?” “Verify, first, then trust.” And so on. It’s difficult for people to pull the wool over his eyes.
The Lost Earring
We had come home from Sunday morning services, and it’s important that you know this: We live in the American Southwest, in one of the Four Corners states, and I adore Native American jewelry.
We changed out of our nice church clothes and into our “slumpy” clothes (old jeans, t-shirts, you get the drift). Silly me, and I don’t know why I did this, but I took off my tiny Zuni-made onyx stud earrings at the kitchen counter by the sink. One of my tiny earrings rolled and disappeared into the sink where some dirty forks and spoons were stacked up on top of the drain.
“Oh, no!”
I imagined that the tiny earring slipped past the silverware and down the drain.
I felt devastated—and utterly stupid—at the same time. I always took off my jewelry in the bedroom and in a safe place.
I prayed, yet I felt my prayers weren’t worthy of God’s attention when so many more crucial prayers come constantly before His throne, like:
Heal my loved one who’s dying, Lord!
Help me find a new job, Lord, I need to feed my family!
We’re being persecuted for your sake, Lord, protect us!
Save my son/daughter, Lord, they’re so far from you!
I felt very small praying about my lost earring while husband and I carefully searched both sides of the kitchen sink. We didn’t find the earring. I started to resign myself to the earring’s journey down the drain and into the municipal sewer system.
“Maybe it fell to the floor,” husband said, trying to encourage me.
“Yea, maybe it did.” We both bent down and looked at areas on the floor where the earring could have landed. It wasn’t there.
We stood up and…
…there it was, on the kitchen counter, and it seemed it had been placed there deliberately.
We looked at each other and immediately we both knew.
An angel had put the earring on the counter.
God’s gracious intervention and rescue of my tiny earring reinforced in us His character, who He is, and how He loves His precious and redeemed image bearers.
For whatever reason, and I’ll know when I can ask Him one day, God chose to rescue my tiny earring, and He sent one of His angelic servants to place it on the counter in such an obvious way we would know it was “a God thing”.
Since that day, whenever the enemy’s influence tried to direct my thoughts away from God’s promises, I remembered the tiny black earring placed carefully on the countertop and I whispered, “thank You”.
Perhaps He wanted me to share this with you, dear readers.
Maybe one of you needed to read this today.
Psalm 8:4-5 (BSB)
4 what is man that You are mindful of him,
or the son of man that You care for him?5 You made him a little lower than the angels;
You crowned him with glory and honor.
Psalm 91:10-12 (BSB)
10 no evil will befall you,
no plague will approach your tent.11 For He will command His angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways.12 They will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
Maranatha, come Lord Jesus.
Soli Deo Gloria!
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Thanks for this uplifting reminder that God (and his angels) help us in the little things too.
I noticed that within your story you suggested that you had thought that it might not make sense to bother God with such an insignificant concern as a lost piece of jewelry.
This is a very common thought from what I’ve been able to notice in my many decades on this planet.
But there is nothing in Scripture to encourage such thinking.
If scripture does not discourage a small God view, I hope you will be helped as I share with you something that has recently helped me see that my view of our immense, omnipresent God, was too small :
There are approximately 400 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy.
Light travels at 186,000 miles per second.
Light takes over 100,000 years to cross an average galaxy.
There are an estimated 2 trillion galaxies.