Thank you for this! Pentecost/shevout/firstfruits counting from passover peshach & Jesus' resurrection day counting 50 days from the Monday 22nd of April then falls on Tuesday June 11th 2024.
Thank you for all that you do. May we all be faithful witnesses, telling everyone everywhere of His great Love, even to the ends of the earth.
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8 NLT
"And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere."
We who are called GOD's people should have a heartfelt desire to share our testimony with others about how JESUS has changed lives forever. This loving act of being a witness of our faith is not a simple thing to do most of the time, and we can become easily discouraged. Sometimes, in other parts of the world, many come under extreme Persecution just for mentioning the Name JESUS, costing some their lives. A report from ( says six Christian men were recently killed in Somalia just for sharing the gospel with others in public.
"Be encouraged."
"LORD, help us run, help us run," to keep running and stay the course.
Today, I would like to share these powerfully encouraging three verses with all who have heard the LORD call them to run the race set before us as we persevere on our way to Heaven. Certainly, we have all been called in many different capacities, each just as important as the next. All of us are gifted uniquely from above to run, but we must do it with endurance, staying the course no matter what happens around us as we keep our eyes fixed on JESUS, the champion, perfector, and author of our faith.
Yes, there will be tribulations. We will become weary with trials, great sufferings, difficult hardships, and many hostilities along the journey, but "DON'T GIVE UP" stay the course. Let us hear that again. "DON'T GIVE UP," so stay the course.
Hebrews 12:1-3 "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God's throne. Think of all the hostility he endured from sinful people; then you won't become weary and give up."
Praying for us all, brother James, to stay the course and lean in to Jesus daily, many times each day. He's the author and the perfecter of our faith. PTL!
Thank you for this! Pentecost/shevout/firstfruits counting from passover peshach & Jesus' resurrection day counting 50 days from the Monday 22nd of April then falls on Tuesday June 11th 2024.
Glad you enjoyed the post. Glory to the Lord!
"Be encouraged."
GOD bless you, Jenise, and yours
Thank you for all that you do. May we all be faithful witnesses, telling everyone everywhere of His great Love, even to the ends of the earth.
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8 NLT
"And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere."
We who are called GOD's people should have a heartfelt desire to share our testimony with others about how JESUS has changed lives forever. This loving act of being a witness of our faith is not a simple thing to do most of the time, and we can become easily discouraged. Sometimes, in other parts of the world, many come under extreme Persecution just for mentioning the Name JESUS, costing some their lives. A report from ( says six Christian men were recently killed in Somalia just for sharing the gospel with others in public.
"Be encouraged."
"LORD, help us run, help us run," to keep running and stay the course.
Today, I would like to share these powerfully encouraging three verses with all who have heard the LORD call them to run the race set before us as we persevere on our way to Heaven. Certainly, we have all been called in many different capacities, each just as important as the next. All of us are gifted uniquely from above to run, but we must do it with endurance, staying the course no matter what happens around us as we keep our eyes fixed on JESUS, the champion, perfector, and author of our faith.
Yes, there will be tribulations. We will become weary with trials, great sufferings, difficult hardships, and many hostilities along the journey, but "DON'T GIVE UP" stay the course. Let us hear that again. "DON'T GIVE UP," so stay the course.
Hebrews 12:1-3 "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God's throne. Think of all the hostility he endured from sinful people; then you won't become weary and give up."
"DON'T GIVE UP" stay the course.
GOD bless you all!
Don Moen - In Jesus' Name (God of Possible)
Praying for us all, brother James, to stay the course and lean in to Jesus daily, many times each day. He's the author and the perfecter of our faith. PTL!