A Heavenly Valentine
Opening our hearts fully to God's love | St. Valentine's Day | Random Thoughts | Grace & Glory | Jesus Christ | Christianity
Happy Valentine’s Day!
If you’re a not-yet follower of Jesus Christ, please come along on this journey with us. You are welcome here.
And, I invite you to read my series on the book “What Does God Want?”.
On Valentine’s Day morning at our “homestead”, we’re deeply grateful that we both wake up, look each other in the eyes yet again, and celebrate another day in our journey together with the Lord. Abba brought us together years ago, and He sustains us every single day with His love. Which brings me to the theme of this post.
God Loves You Sooo Much!!
This phrase is not an old cliché. It’s the truth. He loves you 24/7/365. And, yes, He loves you not-yet Jesus followers.
If you’re reading this post on February 14th (U.S. Valentine’s Day), this is one message God wants to fix in your mind and heart. You’ve heard the words “God loves you!” many, many times. But, I have a question for you:
Do you allow the words to sink down deep into your heart?
Letting God Love You
I have, and I’ve wept with gratitude for I’ve struggled with the phrase over my lifetime. For years, I hadn’t allowed God’s love for me to lodge itself deep down within me. I kept parts of me somewhat at a safe distance from God, for I was afraid that if I allowed my heart to fully embrace His love for me—even as a Jesus follower—I felt I would collapse and drown in the flood of His love. He is Almighty God, after all. He’s the powerful Lord of the universe and His love is powerful. I feared the flood of His love would overcome me and I would die. (Sounds very silly to me, now, but that was how I felt many years ago.)
Over the years, I finally prayed for His love to fully fill every crevice in my heart, my being, and…
…I didn’t drown in the flood of His love.
Instead, His love gently filled in those “holes” in my being that I had kept locked away from His touch, and I wept with gratitude, but I survived and I thrive.
I’ve spoken with other Jesus followers who had expressed similar feelings. We all had experienced very deep hurt from humans who we trusted with our hearts. They grossly violated that trust and crushed our hearts. As a result, we all built protective shields around us, only letting love in “just so far” and no further, for we felt another heartbreak would devastate us.
When we finally let God’s love into all the tiny crevices of our being, He healed us where we were wounded.
My prayer is that you’ll let God’s love into all the teeny, tiny crevices in your being, in your heart, where you have not yet let Him in.
What God Says about You
Are you feeling unloved? I’ve been there. Know this: You are very loved and cherished by the One Who made you. Please take time during February, the “month of love”, to read these affirmations about you from God’s word (I wrote the series in 2023):
And, if you’re a not-yet follower of Jesus, here’s the gospel of John chapter 14 for you to read:
Dear readers…
John 15:9 (BSB)
9 As the Father has loved Me, so have I loved you. Remain in My love.
[Read the entire chapter]
Happy Valentine’s Day! I love you guys!
Maranatha, come Lord Jesus.
Soli Deo Gloria!
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"God Loves You Sooo Much!!"
"Jesus wept. Then the Jews said, "See how He loved him!" John 11:35-36 BSB
It was late as I drove home from work. The sun was quickly setting, and I was worn out from another long day. I just wanted to get home before dark to get some rest. As I was driving, I went past a man who was hitchhiking on the side of the road. I usually pick up people because it's a country road, and not many cars pass by, especially at that hour, but I didn't stop this time. I was tired and selfishly thought the LORD could surely use someone else to help him, but after a few moments further down the road, the LORD spoke to me clearly and said, "Turn around and get him." Instantly, I thought, oh yeah, my mind is playing tricks on me. It's not GOD speaking to me, and then again, I heard "turn around and go get him." Yes, honestly, this was the LORD I heard, so I pulled over, turned around, and when I was going back to get him, I asked the LORD why do You want me to pick him up, and without delay, He said, "because He is the one I love."
I had now reached him. He was still waiting there. I pulled over and said two words, "Get in." He started thanking me and said I didn't think I would get a ride because it was late. He said my car just stopped running, and I only live 30 minutes up the road, it is not far, he reassured me. Then I looked over at him and said do you know why I went back to get you after passing by, not really intending to stop, He said yes, I want to know why, I said because the LORD told me that you were the one He Loves. Then, in that very moment, the Spirit of GOD filled the inside of the car, and we both felt a Love so Great come down upon us. We started weeping together. All we could do was cry, we both felt overwhelmed with unimaginable peace and joy. It was one of those moments you take with you every day and never forget.
Since then, now, when I see people, those you'd think that the LORD wouldn't desire and those you might not want to be your friends. Again, more than ever, over and over, the LORD says to me they are the ones I Love. Look, he is the one I love, do you see her, she is the one I Love. Listen, the LORD says that about everyone, yes everyone, rich or poor, sick or healthy, dirty or clean, all people everywhere, the LORD Loves us, Sooo much, Truly He does.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 BSB
GOD bless you all!
I Love You Lord | Lyric Video / Maranatha! Music